About Us

Established in 2001 and incoporated in 2003, Austin Bangla School (ABS) is a private non-political, non-religious, non-profit corporation (501(c)3) for serving educational purposes. The organization provides schooling on Bangla language, and organize social, cultural, charitable, and recreational events to promote the cultural heritage of Bangla and Bangladesh.

Administration of ABS consists of community workers – parents who wish to work on the various avenues of the school. Any community member can volunteer and request  membership of the organization as dictated by the organization’s Bylaws. The members elect a Board of Directors to administer the school. The board of directors elects officers such as President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary every year to administer specific tasks of the school. Committees are often formed among the members to take up educational, administrative, social, and charitable projects on behalf of the school.

Austin Bangla School Board of Directors, 2023-2024

Children learning the language and culture of Bangladesh are usually of the age 5 and above. The classes are held during their summer vacation for two months (June-August). Each class has a formal language period followed by a recess and a cultural period. Currently there are six levels of classes being offered. All of the reference books are usually brought from Bangladesh for all children. Each summer session is ended with a field trip where children learn many new Bangla words. Summer session is usually followed by monthly review sessions throughout the year to help children remember the lessons from previous session.

Austin Bangla School holds all its language and culture classes at the Live Oak Unitarian Church, located on El Salido Pkwy in Cedar Park, TX. The school rents several classrooms at the venue every Summer to hold their classes. The church also has a large field and a play area where children can play during recess.